Lincoln County
District Attorney's Office

Jessica Picard photo, Lincoln County News

Natasha Irving, Esq. - District Attorney
Lincoln County Courthouse,
PO Box 249,
Wiscasset, Maine 04578
Phone: 207-882-7312
The District Attorney's office is open to the public during normal business
hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
County government provides extensive support for each of Maine's elected District Attorneys. This support includes facilities, staff, staff equipment and witness fees.
The District Attorney's Office is committed to serving the citizens of Lincoln County, it's law enforcement officers and the courts. The staff works hard to ensure the safety of the community by combating child abuse and other crimes of violence, while still giving appropriate focus to the many property crimes which undermine the sense of security of every citizen.
In light of this, the District Attorney's office continues to prosecute numerous crimes of domestic violence and child abuse as well as many crimes linked to drug and alcohol abuse. It is hoped that through prosecution and various programs, the high percentage of crimes attributed to the use of intoxicants, underage drinking and drug use can be reduced, thus ultimately protecting the citizens of Lincoln County.
It should be noted that among the programs that benefit the citizens is the Victim Witnesses Advocates. These Advocates work as a part of the court system to provide support to those victims of crime that face anxiety and lack understanding of the process.